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Supporting The

Here at NS Training we are a dedicated organization based in North Devon, we are passionately committed to empowering adults with learning disabilities. Our aim is to provide a nurturing and inclusive environment where individuals can explore their passions, develop essential life skills and find a sense of belonging within a supportive community.

At NS Training, we work with a variety of agencies creating a working training based environment providing diverse range of departments some of which include woodworking, design and media,
farming, horticulture, and hospitality, construction activities. It’s Through these engaging activities, our students and supported employees discover their strengths, gain confidence, and foster lifelong friendships. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to provide personalized support, ensuring each individual's unique journey is filled with opportunities for growth, independence and self-expression.

Team member Oleh

Oleh Protsak

Trainee Engineer

"I am genuinely delighted to be a part of this community. As an engineer, I am tasked with developing our company's website, which entails engaging and challenging work. The opportunity to create diverse content and enhance my skills brings me immense satisfaction. Being part of this exceptional community is always a great pleasure."

Harriet Lunn

Trainee Administrative Assistant

'I really enjoyed being in this environment, I always feel very supported. Because of my challenges in maintaining focus, establishing a regular work routine has been challenging and overpowering factor in my life. It's reassuring to know that I have the flexibility to switch my workplace to the independence suite and learn new skills in the onsite kitchen facility here at Rackenford. These cooking and bakery lessons help me well on the way to when one day I may leave home. I'm sincerely grateful for the opportunity the company has given me. It brings me great pleasure to contribute meaningfully and feel like a valued part of the team.'

Team Member Harriet
Team Member Robert

Robert Forward

Junior Site Labourer

"NS Training has been a lifeline for me. Being part of such a supportive community while pursuing my passions has made a world of difference. The understanding and encouragement from the team here have helped me grow and thrive and gained me confidence that I didn't have before."

Pavlo Hadzhala

Junior Horticulture Assistant

"Due to the conflict in Ukraine, I've been experiencing depression and anxiety as I strive to ensure my family's safety and find a way to relocate to the UK. The NS Training CIC has provided me with an opportunity to establish myself here and create better circumstances to adjust to this new environment. I'm starting to feel more at ease now. I've been engaged in significant productive work, but what's truly beneficial for my growth is the chance to enhance my skills through dumper training with skilled instructors. I'm immensely grateful to this company for their efforts in supporting individuals in situations like mine."

Team Member Pavlo
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